SSDBM 2007 will bring together scientific domain experts, database researchers, practitioners, and developers for the presentation and exchange of current research concepts, tools, and techniques for scientific and statistical database applications.
The 19th SSDBM conference provides a forum for original research contributions and practical system design, implementation, and evaluation. In keeping with the mission of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary, this year´s conference will focus on applications of scientific and statistical databases to Scientific and Statistical Computing, including:
- Exploratory analysis, mining, and modeling of scientific data
- Stream data management and sensor networks
- Temporal, spatial, spatio-temporal, and multimedia databases
- Publish/Subscribe systems and data dissemination systems
- Web data management
- Ubiquitous data management and mobile databases
- Database applications and experiences
- Hardware-conscious scientific database systems
In addition to this year's focus areas SSDBM 2007 invites original research contributions in any area related to scientific and statistical database management, including:
- Conceptual models for scientific databases
- Data modeling and representation standards
- Experiment data management
- Very large databases
- Performance evaluation
- Scientific visualization
- Indexing and query optimization
- Managing scale and complexity in databases
- Multimedia content retrieval
- Metadata management
- System architectures
Short papers discussing new ideas or work at an early stage are also invited. The conference will feature invited talks and poster sessions of short papers.
SSDBM 2007 will continue the tradition of past SSDBM meetings in providing a stimulating environment to encourage discussion, fellowship, and exchange of ideas in all aspects of research related to scientific and statistical database Management.
A selected list of papers accepted to SSDBM 2007 will be invited to a special issue of the Information Systems.